Overwatch 2 expert reveals how broken spawns give teams an unfair advantage

overwatch 2 fight on ColosseoBlizzard

Overwatch 2 has had some completely unbalanced spawns since launch that have been giving some players an unfair advantage over their opponents.

Every second matters in a game of Overwatch, and it turns out that some players have had an edge if they’re lucky enough to get the right spawn.

Overwatch 2 expert and content creator Marblr recently released a video delving into the game’s spawn mechanics after doing a bunch of research and made some pretty major discoveries about how the system works.

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On unmirrored maps such as Route 66, attackers are randomly placed, but depending on where you spawn in, you could be at a further distance to the objective than your own allies by 2.50 meters.

While this may not seem like much, Marblr has calculated that this distance takes 0.45 seconds to make up for most heroes. That could be enough to prevent you from being able to reach an objective before time expires.

Interestingly, even Overwatch 2’s “mirrored” match types like Push and Control have a spawn room issue too.

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On Colosseo, one team’s spawns are placed further back, amounting for a 0.42-second advantage. Given how snowball-y the Push game mode is, winning the first team fight is integral so being able to get back in the fray quickly is a huge plus.

“This is probably the most egregious mistake out of all the maps since this isn’t just the average spawn position being advantageous, but rather every single spawn point being better than the other team’s,” Marblr explained, adding that he would be curious in seeing win-rate statistics.

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Also of note is Antarctic Peninsula’s Lab stage, as it can spawn one team a whopping 1.15-seconds closer to the objective. This is because one spawn room actually contains 12 possible spawn points, with half of them being significantly further ahead.

Marblr suspects that some of these spawns will be updated in the future, but for the time being, Overwatch 2 players may want to take note of their spawns and adjust accordingly depending on the situation.

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