Overwatch 2 endorsements get surprise quality of life update in Season 9

OW2 endorsement exampleBlizzard

Overwatch 2’s endorsement system is receiving a surprise quality-of-life update in Season 9, allowing players to support positive behavior and also endorse their friends.

Season 9 of Overwatch 2 is coming together as one of the biggest seasons yet. Featuring a complete competitive overhaul with the new rank champion, a new battle pass, and more, players are keen to hop in on the action.

The competitive overhaul coming in Season 9 will also feature a ranked reset, meaning all players will begin on an equal playing field once more. As such, players will need to reclimb to their previous rank and eventually try and push for the new Champion rank.

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Ranked can be a pretty rough experience though, especially coordinating and dealing with the 4 other players on your team. To counteract this, Blizzard has introduced the endorsement system in Overwatch in an attempt to promote positive player behavior. Now in Season 9, this system will be receiving a nice quality-of-life update.

OW2 Defense Matrix InitiativeBlizzard
These new changes come as a part of Overwatch 2’s Defense Matrix initiative.

The Overwatch 2 devs have revealed in a recent blog update that players will be able to endorse their friends come Season 9. This rule was originally implemented when endorsements launched, but the devs want players to be able to celebrate their teammates, friends or not.

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Leaver Penalty Updates in Overwatch 2 Season 9

Alongside the endorsement update, Blizzard is introducing further penalties for players who leave their games. This system is currently only in quick play, where players would receive a penalty if they left 6 out of their last 20 games.

Since implementation, the devs have noticed a significant decrease in the number of leavers, so they’re extending this system to other game modes as well.

“Starting in Season 9, we’re extending these leaver queue restrictions to Mystery Heroes, along with Hero Mastery: Gauntlet, when it is released later this year.”

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