Overwatch 2 devs warn more Sombra & Ana nerfs coming to make Tank easier

sombra looking shocked in overwatch 2Blizzard

The Overwatch 2 team is looking into nerfing heroes like Sombra and Ana to limit the ways to counter tanks through crowd-control abilities.

Being a tank main in Overwatch can be a pain depending on what you’re up against. Certain heroes have abilities that can completely shut tanks down like Sombra’s Hack, Ana’s Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade, or Mei’s Wall and Primary Fire slow.

While Blizzard has taken steps to limit the amount of CC in the sequel by reworking abilities or nerfing their effect on tanks, the devs have indicated they’re not done with the adjustments.

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Speaking with Twitch streamer Spilo, Overwatch 2 Hero Designer Alec Dawson explained that more buffs could be coming to tanks to let them withstand some crowd control, which would be a nerf to two heroes in particular.

“Something we talk about quite frequently is how extreme should [crowd control] be? We’re looking at more of the side of, ‘hey, should some of these abilities just not be as effective on tanks?’”

According to Dawson, both Ana and Sombra are being looked at, pinpointing more adjustments to the support sniper’s Sleep Dart and Sombra’s Hack ability.

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“Maybe Hack should take a bit longer to hit on a tank,” he suggested, noting how that could give a hero like Wrecking Ball the opportunity to use his mobility to get out of range.

If these changes did go through, however, Dawson indicated that tanks may get nerfed in another department, such as their health pool, to compromise.

The dev didn’t provide any sort of timeline on the potential changes, but he confirmed that Reinhardt and Winston would be getting long-awaited damage buffs in an upcoming patch.

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Additionally, he teased that the next hero, Space Ranger, could be competing with Lucio in the support cast with her own speed boost ability when she launches in Season 12.