Overwatch 2 devs tease “spicy” Junker Queen changes in mid-season patch

Junker Queen buffsBlizzard

Junker Queen is primed for some “spicy” mid-season changes, according to Overwatch 2 developers. Lead Hero Designer Alec Dawson has teased an update to the tank, due to go live in January.

Junker Queen is one of the handful of new heroes released for Overwatch 2. As a tank, her playstyle relies on sustaining through team fights while bursting down targets.

Similar to the other newer heroes, such as Kiriko and Ramattra, Junker Queen’s identity as a hero is a little hard too pin down as she has so many different mechanics sprinkled throughout her kit. This makes mastering the hero a steep learning curve, as her kit isn’t as intuitive as just swinging a hammer or grabbing squishy enemies for a one shot.

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In a Twitter post, the Lead Hero Designer for Overwatch 2, Alec Dawson, told content creator ‘EmonGG’ Blizzard has plans for a “really spicy change” for Junker Queen. These changes that may help her hero identity stand out.

According to Overwatch Cavalry, these will occur during the mid-season patch, which will include buffs targeting the hero.

There has been no reveal to the exact nature of these buffs, and outside of the information presented, there really isn’t any more news. However keep your eyes peeled for whatever spice Blizzard is cooking up for Junker Queen.

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