Overwatch 2 devs tease Brigitte and Cassidy reworks with new ultimate abilities

Brigitte and cassidy getting reworked in overwatch 2Blizzard Entertainment

The Overwatch 2 team has revealed they finally have a new ultimate in the works for Brigitte and have also teased reworking Cassidy to give his kit more utility.

Many Overwatch heroes had to be reworked for OW2, and while Cassidy and Brigitte received minor changes, the devs have much more planned for the DPS and support heroes.

Currently, Brigitte’s ultimate, Rally, grants allies additional temporary health – a big nerf, considering how it used to apply armor that would last indefinitely.

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Cassidy, meanwhile, had his Flashbang replaced with a Grenade in a change that left the community feeling a bit flustered.

Have no fear, however, as Blizzard has plans for both heroes in upcoming patches that could completely change each character’s place in the meta.

McCree rename in OverwatchBlizzard Entertainment
Cassidy could be getting a rework in Overwatch 2 already.

Cassidy and Brigitte changes planned for Overwatch 2

During a Twitter AMA, Lead Hero Designer Alec Dawson was asked about planned changes to Brigitte and revealed they have something is cooking something up.

“We have something we like design-wise for Brig’s Ult but it does require additional resources,” he explained.

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According to Alec, the changes will require new art, visual effects, and other resources, so he couldn’t offer up a timeline for when it will be coming to the game.

Regardless, the fact that it will require significant updates is a good indicator that Rally is going to be completely revamped, which is positive news for Brigitte mains looking for an edge.

The developer also touched on Cassidy and any plans to rework him in a future patch. While Dawson was vague, he did hint that the team wants the cowboy to receive some upgrades.

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“Perhaps too one-note in his capabilities as they point towards similar functions,” the hero designer noted.

“There’s a lot that goes into ability reworks, but I think ultimately we want to find slightly more utility for Cassidy.”

Like Dawson had said about reworks taking time, he didn’t provide an indication of when those changes would debut. However, with Season 3 not featuring a new hero, it may be a good time for Blizzard to bring those updates to the live game in some capacity.

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