Overwatch 2 devs reveal potential map overhauls to address spawn problems

overwatch 2 Antarctic Peninsula mapBlizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 devs have confirmed they are considering overhauling maps where you can get separated from your team by an untimely respawn.

Playing on defence in Overwatch 2 brings a unique issue with respawns. If you spawn in, and a point is taken right after, the rest of your team will begin spawning elsewhere on the map in a safe place.

This, naturally, opens players up to an attack from enemies. Dying again during this process endangers your entire game, as the rest of your team is now locked into a 4v5 until you respawn.

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Now, the game’s devs have released a blog post addressing numerous issues relating to maps in Overwatch 2 and how they will fare in Season 4.

One of the issues relates to map pools, which are getting removed. The second big change is fixes to the situation described above, which the devs are promising to address with potential map changes to offer safer passages to use when falling back.

Overwatch 2 devs promise safer ways to regroup on the defense

The developers had this to say about possible changes to the maps in their “Director’s Take” post:

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“Do you ever spawn on defense in Gibraltar right before the first checkpoint is reached and wonder whether you’ll get back to your team alive without getting caught outside of spawn? We’ve looked into level design changes to fix this problem in several maps, and will probably use that in a few places, but those have the possibility of opening new flanking routes for the offense that we’d prefer to avoid.”

Overwatch 2 Map PoolsOverwatch

The responses to the potential changes seemed mostly positive, with players welcoming adjustments to make it more simple to play with and around teammates.

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“Good news. Sounds like clearer thinking is starting to take hold in the decision room. Keep it up,” commented one user.

Others, though, pointed out that the changes are essentially backtracking on previous changes.

“They’ve backtracked on so many things now. Matchmaking is being changed, map pools are going away, and rank reset is gone. All that’s left to do is go back to 6v6 and get rid of push mode. It’s almost like Overwatch 1 was the better game all along just like most of us have said,” stated another user.

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In the same post, devs promised some changes to map frequency so maps like Colosseo appear less frequently. There have been some complaints from the playerbase that the distribution of maps varies massively.

We certainly expect more updates from the dev team ahead of Overwatch 2’s highly anticipated fourth season.