Overwatch 2 devs have long-term plan to combat queue times following Ramattra’s launch

Overwatch 2 Ramattra artworkBlizzard

Lengthy queue times for certain roles in Overwatch 2 can certainly be a point of frustration, much like it was for DPS players in the original game, but rest assured Blizzard has a long-term plan to help balance things out.

Regardless of whether you opt for Damage, Support, or Tank heroes in Overwatch 2, it’s more than likely you’ve encountered your fair share of lengthy queues. Just getting into the action, especially in competitive play, can take a good few minutes depending on your role.

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The latter has undeniably faced the brunt of this issue since the sequel went live, and now with Ramattra on the horizon for Season 2, Tank queue times are sure to increase even more. However, Blizzard is well aware.

Developers are “constantly” evaluating the length of queue times across the board in Overwatch 2, always “looking at” ways to improve. One long-term remedy they hope will strike a “balance across all roles” is already in the pipeline as the team looks to rapidly expand the game’s roster of heroes.

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Overwatch 2 Ramattra artworkBlizzard
Tank queue times are obviously expected to increase with Ramattra’s launch, but Blizzard isn’t too concerned.

“I think you’ll see in the future, we are looking at adding more Supports in the game to help balance that out,” Lead Hero Designer Alec Dawson told Dexerto. Given the role is often the quickest of the bunch, getting players into matches more consistently than others, Blizzard is looking to replicate this success across Tank and Damage roles alike.

With a significant increase in their workforce, the Overwatch team is all hands on deck ensuring new heroes release at a more rapid cadence than ever before, Art Director Dion Rogers explained.

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“We’ve definitely increased the team size. We’re like three times bigger than we used to be, so this helps us develop more heroes,” Rogers said. “We plan to release more heroes more often, so that should help out. But anytime we add a new hero to the game, people are going to gravitate to try and play that hero, which will always boost the time just a little bit. But it will level out as the hero sits in the game world.”

So for the time being, while Tank queue times are certainly expected to skyrocket with the release of Ramattra in Season 2, devs aren’t too phased by the short-term issue due to their long-term resolution. In a matter of time, with new heroes dropping every few months, lengthy queue times could be a far less frequent gripe.

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