Overwatch 2 clip shows why DPS healing passive might not be a terrible idea

Sojourn Overwatch 2 DPSBlizzard Entertainment

An Overwatch 2 clip doing the rounds showing a DPS player not getting any healing despite waiting for over 30 seconds at critical health, could suggest why passive healing for the role might make sense.

The argument about passive healing coming to the DPS and Tank roles in Overwatch 2 has raged on for days. Overwatch 2 director Aaron Keller published a Directors Take discussing the idea, and how it would likely be coming in Season 9 during a big overhaul. 

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However, things have gotten a little heated since with players feeling this change could break the game. Overwatch 2 notoriously has a lot of healing in it right now, to the point that damage has also escalated, making everything feel quite extreme. Many had hoped we’d see both damage and healing tuned back a little bit, but instead, these passive changes just add more to the game. 

However, there are also valid arguments that the impact on a game will be negligible, and merely a convenience. Depending on the numbers and interval before healing, this should only help DPS and Tanks.

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Still, it’s a hotly contested topic and one that will likely go on until players get their hands on it – and inevitably, afterward too. However, one clip has emerged to might make a good argument for it.

Is this the argument for passive healing for Tanks and DPS? 

In a Reddit clip posted by user Venks2, they show a video of a Sojourn sitting right next to an Ana, unable to get the healing they need. Ana never notices them, so they sit there for over 30 seconds waiting to get healed.

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One commenter replied, “At that point, the DPS may as well just jump in Ana’s way so Ana can unintentionally heal them”.

Another added: “DPS player too afraid to call for medic because they get flamed. Support too afraid to look at anyone other than the tank because they die too fast.”

Of course, there are more useful things a Sojourn could do in this situation, like go find a health pack or the other healer. You could also argue if Ana is this unaware, maybe the team deserves to lose. 

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That said, in these kinds of situations, perhaps the idea of passive healing could be thought of as a quality-of-life change. But it’s obviously a topic that has the community split on and we’ll have to see how it shakes out.