Overwatch 2 bug keeps players from unlocking Brigitte Sparkplug skin

Brigitte Sparkplug SkinBlizzard Entertainment

The Overwatch sparkplug skin for Brigitte caused quite the stir since it’s release, first with it not being buff enough and now with it being bugged.

Overwatch 2 Invasion brought new content for players. New support Illari released, and with her arrival skins for players favorite characters.

One of the skins released was Sparkplug for Brigitte. But players noticed something that they didn’t feel was quite right about the skin. Compared to Brigitte’s base model, and her other skins, they felt that her arms looked noticeably smaller.

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Blizzard responded to this as Senior Character Artist Rakan Khamash in a since deleted tweet said “Okay! Yall has been saying Brigitte’s skin needed the muscles back, and I agree. Next update she will have ’em.”

But now players who want the skin are finding that are unable to unlock Sparkplug.

How bug stops Overwatch 2 from unlocking sparkplug

Unlocking the skin should be as simple as completing eight “Saviour of the Underworld” challenges. But players with eight challenges completed aren’t earning the skin.

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When a Redditor complained about his problem unlocking the skin, asking “am I stuck until Blizzard does something about this?” he found out he wasn’t the only one suffering from the issue.

Other players claimed that they were having the same issue, “I’m just glad I’m not alone in this.” Some were less than happy with the bug, “I was already annoyed by the two days delay, now I complete it and this happens. Damn it.”

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How to fix the bug and unlock Sparkplug Brigitte

It appeared that some of the sixteen Underworld challenges don’t register towards the goal of eight challenges completed. A Redditor reported that the “Underworld: Missile fighter” and other unlocked challenges don’t count towards the total, but that the expert variants of the missions do count.

Another player agreed on this from their experience. The “Death from above” challenge on hard difficulty did not count towards quest progress, but the expert difficulty counted towards their goal.

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While Blizzard should be working on a fix for the some of the hard mode challenges being fixed, players who are desperate to unlock the skin could try this method; although the expert difficulty challenges will be significantly harder to complete.

Brigitte’s Sparkplug skin isn’t the only skin to draw attention this week. Players weren’t happy about the new D.Va that appeared to be a $25 recolour.