Overwatch 2 beta leaves console players furious after excluding them

Overwatch 2 console playBlizzard Entertainment

The Overwatch 2 beta is coming in April, but the decision to make the game PC only is rubbing console players the wrong way.

Blizzard finally revealed the Overwatch 2 beta earlier in March, giving players the option to opt-in for the opportunity to partake once it goes live. Sadly, while PC players will get to join in on the fun, console gurus are being left out.

The first beta, of which many are planned, will be for PC only, meaning that console players will need to either try to access the game with their computers – something that isn’t sitting right with them.

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Many of Overwatch’s console veterans voiced their displeasure on Reddit, accusing Blizzard of doing them dirty after years of waiting to finally try out the sequel.

The Overwatch 2 beta features one new hero and a new game mode.

Console players blast Overwatch 2 beta

In a threat discussing the beta announcement, players took note of Blizzard using a controller emoji on social media despite the fact the game wasn’t playable for console users.

One said the reveal was, “even worse with the f**king controller emoji” with others pointing out how playing with controller on PC is extremely difficult.

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“I know, it’s just that we’ve all been waiting for 3 years for some actual content. But when we finally get it, it’s only for pc players. We’re gonna be forced to sit and watch them have fun with actual new content while we sit and watch their YouTube videos and play the same Archives missions for the third year in a row,” another pouted.

“They’ve never bothered to fix the buggy UX that was always designed with PC in mind, and it took literal years to get a report system in place so it’s hardly surprising they’d leave us in the dust,” yet another console player raged.

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Others, however, stated that most betas are for PC only and weren’t surprised by the announcement, though that didn’t keep them from being disappointed.

It’s not clear when console players will get a chance to try out Overwatch 2, but hopefully, Blizzard has something special in store for them later on in 2022.