Neat “Trapjump” Overwatch trick lets tanks leap to high ground with ease

Icecream Orisa on Route 66 DinerBlizzard Entertainment

[jwplayer p9g5um21]Many of Overwatch’s tanks lack the vertical mobility needed to access high ground on certain maps with the press of a single button. However, a newly discovered trick can make use of enemy Junkrat traps to negate those limitations.

For tanks such as Orisa, Sigma, Reinhardt, Zarya and Roadhog, getting to the high ground on maps can be a time-consuming process, forcing those heroes to run around to pathways or stairs.

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Gaining access to said high ground is important, however, as it gives you a good vantage point to attack your opponents and ultimately give them a lot less to shoot at.

That said, Reddit user ‘Rakaxd’ has discovered an interesting little technique that tanks can use to get to the high ground under very particular circumstances.

Orisa fires on IliosBlizzard Entertainment
Tanks such as Orisa can easily access high ground with a Junkrat trap.

If the enemy team is running a Junkrat and he places a trap barely on the edge of the high ground platform so it’s visible from below, tanks can actually jump into it and find themselves higher up.

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Obviously, this does mean that tanks will need to suffer the 80 damage that Junkrat’s trap deals, but you know what they say: No pain, no gain.

As you can see in the video, the Orisa player sees the trap on the Volskaya Industries high ground and jumps into it from ground level. After getting stuck, he’s free to move, shoot, and redeploy his barrier.

While this trick is cool, Rakaxd doesn’t feel like this will be very common. “I don’t think this is something you ever see in-game twice,” he wrote, noting how the high ground needs to still be low enough and the trap has to be on the edge.

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“I see it more as something where you say ‘oh right this exists,’ rather than real tech,” he added.

The Redditor has a point. It’s extremely rare that players will ever be able to use this trick in a game, but as he said, it’s cool to remember in the off chance that an opportunity ever presents itself.