Jeff Kaplan promises changes for Overwatch’s “flawed” 2CP maps

Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch Director Jeff Kaplan has given fans an update on the state of the game’s infamous 2CP maps, and added that they’re one of the top priorities for developers right now.

Assault, more commonly known as 2CP maps in the Overwatch community, are some of the most unpopular maps to get in rotation for players.

For years, we’ve just had to bear it and pray to the RNG god that we don’t get Temple of Anubis, Paris, or any other 2CP map for our Competitive matches, but Jeff has spent the last week assuring us that devs are currently working on changes.

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Blizzard Entertainment
Paris and Horizon Lunar Colony were so unpopular, Blizzard straight up removed them from the Competitive rotation.

In the last week, we’ve already seen two of the worst examples of Overwatch 2 CP maps: Paris and Horizon Lunar Colony, completely removed from the Competitive rotation.

Kaplan revealed that developers have spent more time working on 2CP than any other mode in a blog post on the official Overwatch forums on April 17.

“We discuss 2cp all the time, it’s one of the top discussions we have in the design group,” Kaplan revealed. “We’ve spent more time trying to address that gamemode and trying changes than any other mode. We’ve also reworked those maps the most.”

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Blizzard Entertainment
Kaplan revealed 2CP is one of devs top priorities.

Jeff added that over time, it’s become impossible to ignore the “fundamental flaws” that come along with Assault maps, even for players who don’t mind them.

“The mode has some fundamental flaws,” Kaplan admitted about Assault maps. “Depending on the context your coming from (professional play vs. comp vs. quick play). Contrary to what some communities would have you believe, not everyone dislikes the modes or the maps.”

While devs “continue to try solutions for both the mode and the maps,” Kaplan admitted that “there just aren’t easy, silver bullet solutions,” when it comes to “fixing” 2CP.

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Developers are working to “fix” Horizon and Paris after both maps were removed from the Competitive rotation.

Exactly when we’ll see the new, revamped 2CP mode and maps make their debut is unknown. You would think any changes would come before the release of Overwatch 2 (which we don’t have a date for either) but if developers want to take longer to make sure Assault is actually more enjoyable to play, they can take all the time they need.