Insane Wrecking Ball trick in Overwatch lets you get easy Oasis kills

Wrecking Ball on Oasis OWBlizzard Entertainment

Overwatch’s Wrecking Ball is very much a love or hate hero: tanks love to play him, but every other player hates him. This easy trick will help you dominate as the furry hero on Oasis.

When players see a Wrecking Ball in their game, their either excited that he’s on their team instead of the enemy one or, alternatively, their heart sinks. The iron clad furball can make or break a game, especially in areas where environmental kills are all too easy.

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A recent discovery that Tracer and Wrecking Ball can be partnered together to cause chaos with a boop and Pulse Bomb has led to players testing out all different Hammond tricks.

One player, however, has discovered a trick that will make Oasis a nightmare for the enemy team.

Wrecking Ball grapplesBlizzard Entertainment
Wrecking Ball may be cute, but he’s deadly on several Overwatch maps.

Wrecking Ball Oasis trick gives you easy kills

When piloting the armoured death ball, Reddit user XCJRR has found a prime spot to lie in waiting for any unfortunate victims on Oasis.

If a player positions themselves just outside of the enemy spawn on Oasis behind the bright blue sign next to the palm tree, they’re in a prime position to barrel into their opponents and throw them into the highway which forms part of Oasis’ backdrop.

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From there, enemies are more than likely to be one-shot by the oncoming traffic, giving you instant kills and a whole lot of pressure on the map.

XCJRR’s timing was literal perfection, as it seems the entire enemy team were just respawning as he launched his attack, giving him an easy triple kill. It’s easy to race around the map as Hammond, so getting there with plenty of time and waiting is the perfect trick to get an easy wipe.

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A lot of players will sigh at this news, as its yet another way for Wrecking Ball to truly wreck your evening, but give it a shot and see what happens. Just remember, you didn’t hear it from us.