How to win an Overwatch duel against any hero with Echo


[jwplayer 91I9RIGm]Overwatch YouTuber KarQ has a brand new tip video for the game’s newest hero, Echo, and how to dominate against the rest of the cast.

The tips were presented by former Contenders player and Florida Mayhem streamer Sam ‘Samito’ Dawahare, who is one of the best DPS players in ranked.

In addition to general tips about combating every hero in the game, he also revealed whether or not Echo should use her Duplicate Ultimate on them giving them a “pass” or “fail” grade.

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Against D.Va, she is has a huge hitbox that you can easily farm Ultimate charge from. Once Defense Matrix goes down, the hero can be free to use Sticky Bombs and do huge damage.

One thing that’s important to note is that Baby D.Va is a good target to use Focusing Beam on earlier as she’s only 150 HP, and the beam will deal 200 damage per second on any target under half health.

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When fighting an Orisa, you can force her to use Fortify early by pounding her with Sticks Bombs, causing her to panic. Due to Fortify’s long cooldowns, you can take advantage with yours coming back online and finish her off. Like D.Va, the tank is an excellent target to Duplicate because of how impactful her Bongos can be.

Against Reinhardt, one of the best things you can do is break his shield with Sticky Bombs or Focusing Beam to force him to play more defensively.

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Echo activates Focusing Beam.Blizzard Entertainment
Focusing Beam is a very powerful ability.

Sigma can be one of the best Duplicate targets, but Samito suggests doing so from the high ground so you can guarantee some of your primary attacks will hit, therefore making sure you can activate Gravitic Flux.

“If you don’t set yourself up well to start it’s going to be very tough to get that Flux in time,” he warned.

Moving onto DPS, when fighting Ashe, you want to get as close as possible without using Fly before you pounce. Use Sticky Bombs and pop Focusing Beam fast to guarantee the kill. She also gets a “Pass” as a Duplicate if you can land Dynamites and get BOB quickly.

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Echo's abilitiesYouTube/KarQ
You want to keep your momentum to get into Ashe’s face.

She is one of Doomfist’s biggest counters as you’re free to punish him in the sky. While he’s charging Rocket Punch or stuck in the air with Uppercut, he can be a very easy target. Not to mention he’s a prime candidate to be cloned and the best DPS to swap to, according to Samito.

In the Echo vs Echo duel, it all comes down to who gets value from Focusing Beam. Taking them out is a must before engaging on the rest of the enemy team.

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A really neat trick when fighting McCree is to clone him or anyone on his team right as he is activating Deadeye. The brief transformation will make her immune to damage so it will guarantee your survival.

Echo using DuplicateYouTube/KarQ
You can use Duplicate to dodge Deadeye.

Torbjorn is a tough hero to fight because his turret can be a pain to deal with. Once he’s used Overload, it’s best to get aggressive with Focusing Beam. He’s also a prime Duplicate target with Molten Core being a strong Ultimate and the turret functioning as a seventh man.

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With the Supports, Ana is a bit of an easy kill if you can get her to below half health. Focusing Beam can kill her even through Bionade. She’s also a great target to clone, especially if you can do so on high ground and land a grenade on the whole enemy team.

Baptiste can be tough because of the Immortality Field. Getting him to use that ability is the key part of the matchup. Once that’s done, you can be free to score the elimination.

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Echo uses Duplicate on WinstonBlizzard Entertainment
Duplicate is one of the most powerful Ultimates.

Moving onto the “worst character ever implemented in any video game ever created,” with Brigitte it’s best to Sticky Bomb the center of her shield so even if she drops it, they will still stick to her hand. If you stay out of her swing range, you should be able to win out with ease.

Hopefully, these tips help you improve your Echo gameplay, know what you’re up against, and earn that sweet, sweet SR.

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