How to vastly improve Overwatch performance on Nintendo Switch

Overwatch community has already discovered ways to improve loading times.

Released on the handheld platform on October 15, Overwatch on the Switch allows gamers around the world to play the competitive title online no matter where they might be.

While this version of the game doesn’t allow for crossplay or progress to be carried over from other platforms, the community has unveiled a nifty trick to improve the handheld experience.

In an October 27 video, YouTube channel ‘rkuo’ compared an assorted of interchangeable hardware and proved that there are methods to shorten loading times in Overwatch. 

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Storage space in the Nintendo Switch can be manually adjusted with the addition of various SD cards. Testing numerous storage devices in the console, the video unveiled how load times can be massively impacted.

Loading into a typical match on Paris to begin the comparisons, it was highlighted how internal Switch storage is nearly six seconds faster than utilizing SD card storage space. 

Installing Overwatch to the system memory itself will get you into a game in only 13 seconds compared to 19 seconds when installed on an SD card instead.

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Detailing the analysis, the channel concluded that internal storage, referred to as eMMC, is “faster by 25-50 percent on loading into the level.”

“MicroSD card ratings matter, but even a good microSD card doesn’t match the internal eMMC,” they surmised. Therefore, if you’re just about to purchase Overwatch for your Switch, ensure that you have enough internal storage space left in order to optimize loading times.

While everyone sits through an introductory phase with each competitive map, loading in just a few seconds earlier can give you that slight edge in competition. 

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Every second is crucial when setting up your defenses or planning an attack for instance, so use this knowledge to your advantage when climbing the ranks.