Hilarious Overwatch easter egg brutally roasts Torbjorn on Blizzard World

Blizzard Entertainment

No one is safe from Overwatch’s easter eggs, even their own characters, as Torbjorn gets hit with an easy roast by Blizzard World’s roller coaster announcer.

A Redditor, ‘Owlero,’ has been on an absolute mission—compiling every single easter egg that fans seem to have let slip by on Overwatch’s Blizzard World map.

And this latest one is hilarious, albeit at the expense of one of the game’s greatest heroes: the Swedish hammer, Torbjorn Lindholm.

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Blizzard World is a cool map. It has rides, nods to Blizzard IPs and, apparently, a ton of easter eggs. Many of these had been spoken about before the map came out, but most of us hadn’t gotten the chance to witness them in action just yet.

In this particular gag, Torbjorn approaches the Diablo-themed rollercoaster near the map’s second point and is met by the announcer, Deckard Cain, poignantly roasting him through the speaker system: “You must be as tall as the bottom of the sign to ride…and you’re not.”

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The roast most certainly fits, as Torbjorn stands at about 4’7” with shoes on. On a good day, and maybe if he hops onto his turret, the Dwarven Scandinavian can pop right into the 5’0”-plus ballpark. 

His character design may have been inspired by Warcraft’s Dwarves, but we won’t take this ableist slander. Overwatch is supposed to be a place for inclusivity and diversity. 

Blizzard Entertainment
Torb stands just a smidge taller than his trusty turret.

While there has yet to be a petition mounted or any protests planned, those must be on the horizon. If anything, Overwatch 2 can satiate the masses if the developers simply decide to enable a full rollercoaster ride for everyone’s favorite turret builder.

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Fortunately, Torbjorn can still hear about the ride in the meantime. When Blizzard World isn’t hotly contested by teams jousting over the payload, his daughter Brigitte can hit the theme park and give her father all of the details.

In armor, Brigitte is believed to be about 6’0”. That puts her well within the range needed to bypass Cain’s restrictions and experience everything Blizzard’s virtual playground has to offer.

Still, if you’re feeling particularly unmotivated and want some fuel, feel free to walk around Blizzard World as Torb and earn an easy chip on your shoulder.

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