Former Florida Mayhem player shows he’s still Overwatch League-worthy with this Widowmaker play

The Florida Mayhem cleaned house after a disappointing Inaugural Season in the Overwatch League, releasing most of their players from the first season roster, but Andreas ‘Logix’ Berghmans, one of the players let go, showed he could still make it in the league during this Twitch clip.

Trying to prevent the enemy team from contesting the point on Lijiang Tower’s Night Market stage, Logix scopes up as Widowmaker as the enemy team tries to get to the point.

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Ana is the first opponent to fall after the protective Winston barrier fell away, and Tracer fell soon after with a well-placed shot to the face.

After that, a flying Genji comes in to try and shut Logix down but ends up being laid out himself with a well-placed shot.

After helping his team take out the Winston who found his way to point, Logix gets the win and queues up for another game so fast you might miss it.

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The Florida Mayhem have done some work on filling out their empty roster this offseason, recently they signed three Korean players to the squad.

Only time will tell whether or not Logix finds his way onto another Overwatch League roster, but when he’s making plays like this it almost seems like he should be on one already.