Every new Overwatch Dance Emote for Ashe, Baptiste and Wrecking Ball – with video


Overwatch’s newest heroes: Ashe, Baptiste and Wrecking Ball are all getting new dance emotes for the 2019 Anniversary event.

Overwatch introduced dance emotes for heroes during the first Anniversary event in 2017 and they’re one of the most popular emotes among players to bust out in spawn.

Listed below are all three of the new dances for Ashe, Baptiste and Hammond for the 2019 Anniversary event.

Ashe — Line Dance

Like McCree, Ashe’s dance is called “Line Dance”, which is a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines or rows.

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In the United States line dancing is popular with country music, so it’s an obvious choice for McCree and Ashe, Overwatch’s resident cowpokes. 

Seeing as how Roadhog and Junkrat have a high-five Easter Egg when they do their dance emote together, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that there’s a similar hidden dance interaction between Ashe and McCree.

There is one thing that’s bugging us about Ashe’s new dance emote though: it doesn’t include B.O.B.

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Baptiste — Konpa Dance

Before you start: no this isn’t the Pon Pon dance. Konpa (AKA Compas or Komba) is a style of Haitian dance music and was made popular by a Haitian musician named Nemours Jean-Baptiste (we see you Blizzard).

Its pretty cool that the Overwatch team gave Baptiste a dance that represents his Haitian heritage and finally allows him to bust a move with everyone else.

Hammond — Hamster Dance

Finally we have Wrecking Ball/Hammond who has been given the very appropriate “Hamster Dance” which is based on very deep cut of internet lore.

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Back in the heady days of the internet circa 1997, before even the first StarCraft was originally released (1998) there was a website called Hamsterdance.com that featured a gif of hamsters dancing along with this song.

We don’t know for sure whether this was the inspiration for Hammond’s “Hamster Dance”, but if you watch the dance with the song playing the background, it honestly goes together way to well to be a coincidence.