Epic Overwatch flank on King’s Row lets Sigma secretly attack enemy team

overwatch sigma fluxBlizzard Entertainment

[jwplayer 91I9RIGm]Sigma, one of Overwatch’s more popular tanks, has a curious relationship with gravity. It turns out that anti-gravity mobility can be used with dangerous potency on the final point of King’s Row.

The King’s Row flank is one of Overwatch’s most popular sneaky maneuvers, as the final point exists as a platform atop a deadly pool of lava and courageous players can take advantage of the two access points to brave death and sneakily surprise their opponents. While Pharah mains are the most prominent abusers of this technique, it turns out that Sigma players can use it too.

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Roadhogs will typically hang out by the first hole to the underlying lava pools on King’s Row’s final point, taking up residence near the point’s Mega Health Pack and attempting to hook oncoming attackers into the pit of despair. This is precisely what happened to Reddit’s ‘PharaohDez,’ but they had their ultimate and intuitively turned certain death into cool-headed destruction. 

Sigma’s Gravitic Flux ultimate enables you to pull enemies upward, trapping them midair before slamming them back down, while simultaneously letting Sigma defy gravity himself and ascend upward and slowly fly around for around five to eight seconds. 

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The user reacted quickly to his hook and used the ultimate to casually float near his subterranean demise and lift out on the other end, emerging from the access point closer to the defending spawn and attacking the enemy team without any of them knowing he was back there.

Since Sigma’s ultimate can be canceled by stunning, sleeping, or killing him, being able to surprise enemies with it is crucial to ensuring its efficiency. In this case, that enabled him to avoid the slightest possibility that the opposing Ana would be able to hit him with a Sleep Dart. But had the opposing Roadhog not been hooked to his death by PharaohDez’s teammate, this would have also ensured he could not be hooked out of his Gravitic Flux as well.

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Ultimately, players have been aware that heroes like Pharah and an ulting Winston can pull off this flank, but few have been brave enough to try it with a slower hero like Sigma. Now that we’ve seen it successfully done, defending teams will have to keep a closer eye on their backline when facing the tanky scientist.