Elite Pharah sniping spot on Temple of Anubis is easy kills in Overwatch

overwatch pharah on temple of anubisBlizzard Entertainment

Overwatch’s high-flying DPS, Pharah, can be lethal in the right hands, but one player has proven how dangerous she can be on Temple of Anubis with this perfect sniper position.

While Egyptian DPS Pharah may be pegged as one of Overwatch’s easiest characters to learn, her high skill ceiling means that she takes a lot to master – but boy is it worth it.

Floating high in the skies above her unfortunate victims, giving the mechanical menace a decent dose of Ana‘s nano-boost ultimate can make her a one-woman army, but one Overwatch player has devised a new trick that allows you to one-shot enemies on Temple of Anubis.

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So, if you’re a Pharah main that’s looking to cause some chaos on her home map, here’s what you’ll need to do to clear out defenders on Point A.

overwatch sunset pharah summer games 2021 skinBlizzard Entertainment
Pharah is an absolute powerhouse in the right hands.

Pharah trick decimates Overwatch squads

Taking to the azure skies that frame Overwatch’s spectacular ancient Egyptian temple, Overwatch player and trickster extraordinaire, McMagicMarv, has devised the perfect formula for sniping out defensive players on Point A.

Noting that “I like to shoot through these gaps when I’m afraid of getting headshot by a sniper,” Marv boosts himself up using the large statue of Anubis which frames the archway leading into the central plaza.

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From here, he shoots those infamous rockets through the tiny windows in the archway, meaning that he has a decent line of sight whilst simultaneously being shielded.

This is incredibly frustrating for the snipers, who often position themselves high on the roofs of the surrounding villas looking for a quick pick. Not only can they not get a decent shot, but they’re also being bombarded by rockets that will quickly melt down those squishy health bars.

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Not only are the enemy DPS players in shock, but many among the game’s fanbase are also picking their jaw up off of the floor.

“I didn’t know you could do that? Impressive!” writes one, while another comments “I lol’ed at the Ashe trying to shoot you back.”

So next time you get stuck on Temple of Anubis beneath the scorching sun, be sure to whip out this trick so that you can take down your enemies in style.

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