Creative Overwatch fix could make Horizon Lunar Colony more balanced

Blizzard Entertainment

Horizon Lunar Colony has already gone through one revamp since it was added to Overwatch in 2017, but a recent rework video on YouTube has some fans wondering if more changes for the map might be due.

Before the official rework in June of 2018, Horizon was probably one of the “most-hated” maps in the game for players, but things have improved since these changes came about.

It’s still a 2CP map, so it will never be a favorite in the hearts of Overwatch fans, but that didn’t stop YouTuber ‘Blame The Controller‘ from trying to make the map as balanced as it could be.

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Horizon Lunar Colony hasn’t seen as many complaints since the rework, but some still think it could be improved.

BTC said he interviewed over 500 Overwatch players from every rank, and one consistent thing they had to say about Horizon was that it felt unbalanced between attackers and defenders.

“What seems to be the case is Point A is too strong for defenders, and Point B is too strong for attackers,” he explained in the video. “Because of this what tends to happen is that either the attackers get stuck on Point A, or if they capture it, then they just continue on and snowball through to capture Point B as well.”

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Problems with each point on Horizon are detailed in the video, which is a bit long, but definitely worth checking out because it does make some interesting observations and suggestions.

One of the biggest issues on Point A was the lack of cover and the wide-open area the attackers have to get through in order to reach the point.

BTC pointed out that the chokepoint on Horizon is roughly the same size as the ones at the beginning of Temple of Anubis and Volskaya, but without the cover that comes along with the choke on these maps.

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To change Point A, the catwalk above the choke was completely removed, and more barriers were added to give attackers more cover and let them play more with the line of sight. More points of access to the point were also added, again, to make things a little smoother for attackers.

Blizzard EntertainmentBlame The Controller proposes some drastic, but interesting changes to Horizon.

One of the biggest changes to Point B are “spaces where the defenders can actually slow you down,” according to the YouTuber, which is basically more high ground for defending heroes and sniping/DPS positions.

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Again, Blame The Controller goes into much more detail about the exact changes he’s proposing in the video, which seems to have some good ideas, which definitely makes it worth a watch.