Bronze Overwatch streamer explains how he climbed to Grandmaster

Soldier 76 fires Helix Rocket on DoradoBlizzard Entertainment

Overwatch Twitch streamer Asa has been playing the game since all the way back in Season 4 where he began his journey down in Bronze. Despite placing so far down the rank totem pole, he managed to eventually reach GM, but how?

Ranking up in Overwatch can be a serious grind. After playing five placement games on a desired role, the game will put you in a skill rating tier ranging all the way Bronze to Master with players then having to win to reach Grandmaster.

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This grind can take a long time, however. Wins earn players around 20 SR, so the journey from say a 2,500 Platinum Rank to 3,500 Master can take many matches.

For Asa, he first began with only 800 SR, but over time, he managed to climb through multiple ranks to reach the highest peak he’s at today with 4,018.

Speaking to Dexerto, the 16-year-old explained how he managed to pull it off and the challenges he faced along the way.

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One major problem he had to overcome was hardware limitations. “The hardware I used was awful. Dealing with an awful setup was the main thing that held me back,” he explained.

“Hardware improvement was a very gradual process, and although it helps, it doesn’t define a player,” he added. “You can play on 60fps with a $10 mouse and be better than someone with a decked out setup.”

Hanzo looks on shockedBlizzard Entertainment
Going from Bronze to GM is an impressive feat.

According to Asa, his biggest improvement method came from playing in an organized setting and joining a team. “I found coaching there and over the years it has shaped me as a player the most out of anything. I highly recommend looking into organized teamplay if you’re trying to improve because it truly is an incredible source for learning.”

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Despite going from Bronze to Gold in just two seasons, he did face some difficulties in Platinum and Diamond before eventually breaking through to reach Masters and Grandmaster four seasons later.

That all said, the Canadian believes the best way for anyone stuck in low ELOs to “realize that you’re no better than your teammates and you deserve the rank you have.”

Sombra activates EMP on Lijang Control CenterBlizzard Entertainment
Ranking up can be a serious grind.

“A lot of players in all ranks struggle with ego, and I used to as well. The only true way to climb is to understand what level you’re at and working hard at trying to improve. It’s a pretty simple formula: you get better than the people at your rank, you win more games. Simple as that,” the streamer stated.

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For anyone currently stuck in ELO hell, following in Asa’s footsteps could be as simple as setting your ego aside and focusing on yourself. After all, if he can do it, what’s stopping you?