Bizarre Overwatch bug causes Ashe’s skins to stretch out of control

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The February 25 Overwatch patch brought the Experimental Mode, new Workshop options, sleeping turrets, and the Ashe Mardis Gras mini-event where players can earn a potentially bugged skin.

While the new skin looks cool and takes nine victories to unlock, it, along with her other skins, may also be the cause of many defeats. As it turns out, Ashe’s skins can easily give away your position.

Posting on Reddit, user W0nathan showed a video of the Ashe on his team stretching far while the skin the player had equipped was all blacked out.

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This bug is all trick, no treat.

“It was not the new skin,” the user wrote, but others in the comments said this was happening to them as well. “It did reset when I died,” the Pharah main noted.

As you can see in the video, the Ashe player has parts of her skin stretch from one part of the map to the other. In the match chat, a user asked “what am I seeing?” indicating that it wasn’t just on the Pharah’s end.

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Additionally, we can tell this is happening in the Experimental Triple Damage mode because the Roadhog leaves a trail of healing for his team after using Take a Breather – that effect only appears in Triple Damage.

“Yup, had it happen to me,” reverendbimmer said in the comments. “[The] entire lobby could see it too.”

This could be especially bad for anyone trying to play Ashe because the stretching could make it easy for enemies to know exactly where you (or you team) are positioned, leap in, and eliminate you with ease.

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The Ashe bug isn’t the only weird thing this patch. As we previously reported, Ana is now able to sleep Torb and Symmetra turrets, bombs, Baptiste Immortality Fields, and more.

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At least the bug doesn’t cause your game to freeze.

Luckily, Blizzard is aware of the problem and are looking into it. Though no fix has been announced as of this posting.

That said, hopefully the issue gets taken care and players can go back to fully enjoying the new Experimental Mode and unlocking that sweet new skin.

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