Awesome Overwatch crossover makes Zarya fully playable in Minecraft

Jeremy Brown/Blizzard Entertainment

Minecraft tinkerer ‘McMakistein’ has now brought a fully functioning Zarya to the sandbox title in their quest to make a fully playable Overwatch map in Vanilla.

McMakistein has already created a number of Overwatch heroes, including a fully functioning D.Va and a Hanamura map.

With Zarya now complete, the goal of a fully-playable 6v6 match in Vanilla Minecraft is only one more Support hero away from being a reality.

Even Zarya’s bubbles were included in the Vanilla Minecraft creation.

Overwatch, but it’s completely in Minecraft

Zarya comes with all of her abilities and weapons in McMakistein’s creation that work just like they do in Overwatch.

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Her Particle Cannon has two settings: a precise, close-range beam and a longer-range alternative fire that deals splash damage, again, just like it does in the game.

The most important part of her kit, her bubbles that charge up her energy, are also included and are fully functional. Except instead of using the ability, you drop items that activate the effect.

The Minecraft tinkerer has already gotten a good start of a few Overwatch maps, including Eichenwalde and Hanamura, which both look pretty close to their in-game counterparts.

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“I only need one more healer in the roster before I can play a proper 6v6 on the map,” McMakistein said about his latest creation. “After that, I’ll get started on some other map mechanics like health packs, control-point timers and a hero-selection menu.”

Zarya’s ultimate might not look as impressive in Minecraft, but it works just the same.

It will be interesting to see exactly what support hero will be the final piece of the puzzle before an Overwatch match is played completely in Minecraft.

Lucio would be cool, but whether his wall riding would be able to work remains to be seen.

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