Absurd Overwatch bug causes Zarya’s Grav to go through the map on Havana

Zarya from Overwatch grins as an explosion happens behind herBlizzard Entertainment

A new Overwatch bug has been discovered that could lead to heartbreak for Zarya players looking for a game-saving Graviton Surge ultimate on Havana, literally causing it to go through the map.

Overwatch League and World Cup champion Matthew ‘Super’ DeLisi was streaming on Twitch on June 18 when one of his viewers sent him a replay code from their own game, where the unfortunate incident caused the Graviton to get lost in the void.

After loading up the console quick play game and going to the appropriate timestamp, the Reinhardt main was shocked at what he witnessed.

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Once the Zarya player had the ultimate available, she fired it directly at some opponents while trying to defend the third point on the escort map.

However, instead of catching three targets with the ability, the projectile went under the map and was lost forever, resulting in absolutely no value.

Super couldn’t help but laugh at what he saw. “What?” he cried. “Where did it go? What the f**k? Oh my God, it’s gone.”

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It’s unclear what caused the glitch or if it could easily be repeated, but it’s definitely something that could ruin matches, especially with how powerful Zarya’s ultimate can be and how long it can take to charge.

DeLisi was also asked about what would happen if the glitch occurred in pro-play, and if there were rules that would keep the unfortunate team from not being penalized such as a match restart.

That said, Super had no clue if the league would take action. “Who knows,” he pondered. “You get f**ked, I guess.”

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Hopefully, Blizzard does something to prevent this bug from effecting pro play and ruining more matches, though there’s been no word from the company yet if they’re working on patching it internally.