Mortal Kombat 1 Ermac leak has fans questioning the new universe’s foot fetish

Mortal Kombat 1 ermacWB Games

A leak showcasing Ermac’s full form in Mortal Kombat 1 has fans wondering if there’s a foot fetish behind some character design decisions.

Mortal Kombat 1‘s eagerly-anticipated release is fast approaching, yet some details remain under lock and key. Since NetherRealm continues to lift the veil piecemeal, fans have high hopes for the game’s final trailer.

But something many have grown tired of seeing is character designs featuring bare feet or open-toed shoes. Thus far, the likes of Baraka, Katana, Li Mei, and Nitara have all been spotted with their toes hanging out.

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Now another unlikely character has been added to the list – Ermac. That’s right, a leaked image shows more of the telekinetic fighter than fans bargained for.

Mortal Kombat 1 fans poke fun at Ermac design leak

Previous artwork of Ermac in MK1 depicted the character from the torso up, standing alongside other Kombat Pack fighters. A couple of leaked screenshots on the Mortalkombatleaks subreddit unveil his full form, which fans seem to approve of barring two noteworthy details.

For one, while the outfit Ermac dons arguably looks good, not everyone is sold on his wrinkled, mummy-like skin. “It’s still rough, [the] lower half is nice but why are they so insistent on having him reveal his skin/face.” Others shared a similar sentiment, crossing their fingers that he’ll receive alternate outfits or gear that cover him up.

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Of course, commenters couldn’t let Ermac’s open-toed sandals slide. “Okay seriously, what’s with the feet bullsh**?” one person asked.

“Why does every character have their toes out,” someone else questioned in all caps. Another user remarked, “Now I’m not saying that someone at NRS definitely has a foot fetish, but I’m also not not saying that.”

Meanwhile, others are wondering if the apparent foot fetish is commentary on Liu Kang’s interest, given that he is the architect of Mortal Kombat’s new universe. There could be something else afoot, though, given that Street Fighter 6 had a foot fetish problem of its own.

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