Potion healing in Monster Hunter Now could be fixed with insanely simple change

Diablos in a cityNiantic/Capcom

A Monster Hunter Now potion concept could solve a lot of problems with the game’s healing mechanics, which have been a problem since launch. 

Monster Hunter Now players have always been vocal when it comes to how the game handles healing. Currently, Hunters are only limited to 10 potions and once they’re out, you’ll either need to purchase more with in-game currency or wait a day for them to reset. 

This makes getting hit incredibly punishing, especially when a few mistimed dodges or lag can spell disaster. Melee players in particular often burn through more potions than their ranged counterparts, as the close-range playstyle poses greater risks. 

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Niantic has been praised for the addition of Hunt-a-Thon matchmaking, sellable materials, and adding a Monster Tracker. However, the Monster Hunter Now community is still waiting on changes to the potion issues. 

Well, one Hunter has come up with a concept that would greatly alleviate the lack of healing resources.  Posting on the Monster Hunter Now Reddit page, the player explained how Niantic could incorporate in-game villages to give Hunters opportunities to acquire healing items. 

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“Add static villages where we can spend our Zenny for a limited stock of First-Aid Med. Bought all the potions at one store? “[Then] move around to other villages to buy more potions and hunt more monsters. This game shouldn’t punish players (GS and Lance) for taking chip damage, and it seems the game currently favors the more mobile weapons.”

Monster Hunter potion symbolNiantic/Capcom
Monster Hunter Now’s current potion system can be extremely punishing.

It’s certainly a unique idea and one that would make sense, considering all mainline Monster Hunter titles enable players to purchase items from vendors. Having hubs that appear at set locations would not only incentivize players to walk around, but it could also help with meeting other Hunters in the real world, giving more opportunities for co-op play. 

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The player also notes how Niantic could also add a potion crafting mechanic, an area that many players have wanted since launch. It’s important to note that Niantic is aware of the Potion complaints, and is actively looking at ways to improve this mechanic. 

Whether it will come in the form of craftable potions or village vendors remains to be seen, but for now, you’ll need to play cautiously when out hunting.