Niantic reveals Monster Hunter Now Palico Paintball update changes

Monster Hunter Now logo with PalicoNiantic/Capcom

Niantic has revealed the adjustments it has made to Palico Paintballs in a Monster Hunter Now update, so here’s exactly what’s changed.

Palico Paintballs have often been the source of many players’ frustrations in Monster Hunter Now. Unlike regular Paintballs, Hunters don’t have any control over what monsters their Palico marks. Instead, they’re at the mercy of their furry friend. 

This can lead to some rather frustrating scenarios, especially when all three Palico Paintballs are used on low-star creatures and those nearby. 

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Well, as of February 8, 2024, Niantic has made some adjustments to the way that Palico Paintballs function in the game

Niantic reveals Monster Hunter Now Palico Paintball changes 

Palico in Monster HunterCapcom
Palico Paintballs have often been the cause of a lot of frustration in MHN.

Writing on the official Monster Hunter Now website, Niantic revealed all the adjustments it’s made to Palico Paintballs. It’s hoped these tweaks will make them a lot more useful and avoid many of the frustrations that come with them. 

You can read all the Palico Paintball changes below: 

  • Conditions for Palico marking have been adjusted.
  • Palico will no longer mark the large monster in the field while you are actively hunting it.
  • However, Palico may still mark a large monster on the Main Screen while you are tapping it or while you are on the Hunt Preparation Menu. With regard to this specification, we are currently reviewing our approach. We appreciate your understanding. 
  • *You can go back to the Main Screen from the Hunt Preparation Menu to check whether the monster has been marked before starting the hunt in order to prevent the disappearance of the monster marked with a Palico Paintball from the Paintball list.

While this change isn’t completely game-changing, Niantic did state that they are “reviewing [their] approach” to Palico Paintballs. This means further adjustments could be made in the near future.

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