Monster Hunter Now players want popular Pokemon Go feature added to the game

Hunter on the map in Monster Hunter NowNiantic/Capcom

Monster Hunter Now players want Niantic to add a popular Pokemon Go feature to the game, to encourage long-distance hunting. 

Monster Hunter Now enables players to take down terrifying wyverns in the real world, collecting their materials to forge powerful weapons and armor. While the game features various habitats for players to walk around in pursuit of these creatures, the title’s community wants one Pokemon Go-style change. 

After all, receiving rewards for reaching certain milestones will always be a great way to flex your prowess and passion for the mobile game. This is especially true for players who enjoy going for long treks in search of toothy terrors to slay. 

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Monster Hunter Now community want Pokemon Go feature

Monster Hunter Now and Pokemon Go mapNiantic
Monster Hunter players want more incentives for trekking vast distances.

“For an AR game, there’s no real incentive for walking,” said one player. “Like PoGo has eggs but, aside from the junk my Palico picks up, what’s the hook to encourage more movement? Grinding Black Daiblos this week has me feeling like the minimum is that health should restore faster while walking, so I have more health by the time I reach whatever I’m hunting next.”

Other players were keen to highlight how this HP gain would be an improvement to the game. “That’s a good idea, more HP by walking or gain 1 HP per small monster killed to increase gameplay.”

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Currently, the only thing players get for walking is the Trekker Badge, which as the name suggests, shows how far Hunters have walked. Many players believe Niantic should at the very least make some map changes, to help incentivize trekking vast distances. 

“I would probably walk more if I could see spawns farther than maybe three blocks away from me,” responded one player. “But right now it’s just a mystery what biome and spawns are where in the city, I’m not going to make plans to wander around aimlessly looking down at my screen.”

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Another Hunter even noted how they’d like a similar mechanic to Pokemon Go, “even a small chance of potions dropping on Pokestops would make me walk a few more miles.”

Whether Niantic will ever hand out rewards or items for distance traveled in Monster Hunter Now remains to be seen, but it’s clear the game’s community is hungry for changes.