Monster Hunter Now players demand Niantic nerf “aggressive” event monsters

Black Diablos in the desertNiantic/Capcom

The Monster Hunter Now community is struggling to take down event monsters, with many calling out Black Diablos and Zinogre as the main culprits. 

Monster Hunter Now’s March update is in full swing, allowing players to hunt a variety of deadly subspecies. In fact, Pink Rathian, Azure Rathalos, and Black Diablos Zinogre have all returned to the game

The added spawns have also given players more opportunities to hunt these deadly beasts, while 20th-anniversary challenges are dishing out plenty of rewards. While the added spawns have gone down well with the game’s community, many Hunters are struggling to take down event monsters. 

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Monster Hunter Now players call out “aggressive” event monsters

“Why are event monsters so damn aggressive? You have almost no time to react to an attack that another one is already cooking,” wrote one frustrated player on the Monster Hunter Now Reddit page

This comment was met with a wave of similar reactions, where Hunters MHN players also shared their difficulties in taking down Black Diablos, Azure Rathalso, and Zinogre. “I feel like Black Diablos has gotten faster,” replied one player. “Them charges are damn quick if you’re not ready.”

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Others noted how the current aggression and attack patterns of event monsters make them fearful of future updates. “They feel crazy hard compared to everything else and at this point, I’m shuddering at what they will do with Elder Dragons if we get there,” commented one player. 

Black DiablosNiantic/Capcom
Black Diablos is one of the toughest monsters in MHN.

“Barioth jumps around way too much and feels like a DPS check, if you don’t break his wing or fang while he’s doing his first taunt, you won’t kill him in time, simple as.”

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The player also noted how Zinogre lacks weak points, which makes dealing damage incredibly difficult. This is made even worse by the monster’s mobility and increased Hunt-a-thon health. 

However, one of the monsters that constantly cropped up was Black Diablos, who is known for its aggression and mobility. “Yeah, I can barely kill a Black Diablos. It just runs forward 100 meters then back again – doing same then it goes down underground.”