Monster Hunter Now players call for Niantic to change “worthless” Palico Paintballs

Palico in Monster HunterCapcom

Monster Hunter Now players are calling for Niantic to change Palico Paintballs, calling them “worthless” in their current state. 

Monster Hunter Now Paintballs enable players to tag monsters they encounter in the wild, giving them the ability to hunt them at a later time. This is particularly useful for those who don’t have time to fight or just wish to hunt from the comfort of their own home. 

While the game’s community has been keen to highlight how “laughable” the current Paintball system is, they believe the alternative isn’t much better. In fact, the free Palico Paintballs that are given out daily have been causing a lot of frustration among players, with many voicing their anger over their “worthless” nature. 

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They invariably mean your Felyne companion will mark the nearest monsters in your general vicinity. As you can imagine, this leads to some rather frustrating scenarios, which the community believes needs changing. 

Monster Hunter Now Palico Paintballs deemed “worthless”

Unlike regular Paintballs that players have to either purchase from the shop or receive for free via Monster Hunter Now codes, Palico Paintballs don’t cost anything. However, they are extremely limited in that your AI companion will automatically mark monsters while the app is running in the background. 

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“Every morning I wake up, get the message that I have 3/3 paintballs, go to check my paintballs and it’ll be 2/3 because they already grabbed whatever was nearby while the game was loading up,” said one player

In fact, it’s not uncommon for your Palico to use all of your Palico Paintballs before you even boot up the game, meaning you’re at the mercy of what creatures are near your location. This can lead to some very low-tier monsters being targeted, which isn’t ideal for those who need to farm high-tier materials. 

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Monster Hunter Now Palico PaintballsNiantic/Capcom
Monster Hunter Now Palico Paintballs have been causing a lot of frustration for the community.

“I wish the Palico had a bit more interaction for what it considers a target or was a bit more consistent with if it was gonna use a paintball or not,” replied one Hunter. “It seems like it’s always a shot in the dark of if he’s gonna ball something good or nothing at all. I’ve hunted an ungodly number of Great Jagras and Pukei that my cat keeps bringing home.”

One player has even devised a solution that could make Palico Paintballs more useful. “Let us specifically target monsters to paintball. i.e. I tell my Palico to find me Rathians. So, say, three times a day? I dunno just spitballing a number – a Rathian is automatically generated and added to my paintball list. Star level might be random? Maybe specified?”

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It’s certainly a nice idea and one that would help alleviate a lot of the community’s grievances with the current Palico Paintball system. Whether Niantic will make adjustments to Paintballs remains to be seen, but until then, you’ll need to hope your Felyyne friend brings you back something nice. 

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