Monster Hunter Now player issues warning over Carving Knife double rewards

Hunters fighting a RathalosCapcom

One end-game Monster Hunter Now player has issued a warning over the Carving Knife item that doubles rewards, urging Hunters to take care before using it. 

Monster Hunter Now Carving Knives enable players to double their rewards at the end of a successful hunt, essentially allowing them to duplicate the rarest monster materials. This can save you a lot of time, especially when drop rates for Primescales, Wyvern Gems, and Plates can be incredibly low. 

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In fact, the game’s community has already called out Niantic over the lackluster drop rates, with some even going as far to say it’s worse than Diablo 4. Fortunately, the Carving Knife item can help alleviate the grind for certain materials, but one high-level player has issued a warning to those using the item. 

Monster Hunter Now player warns community over Carving Knife misuse 

“I reached the eight-star monsters last week, and now I am able to drop rarity six materials. Since then, I have killed like 100 of the eight-star monsters, mostly Pukei-Pukei and Jyuratodus, and I only got one Wyvern Gem Shard, four of those are needed to upgrade the weapon,” said Rodrigodcsss

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“Not only are the drop rates bad, but it’s hard to find the eight-star monsters. So, I suggest you hold onto your Carving Knives.” 

Monster Hunter Now Rathalos and Pukei-PukeiNiantic/Capcom
Monster Hunter Now Carving Knives are incredibly useful.

Other high-level players agreed, with many stating how their progress has hit a wall. “Higher grade part drops are incredibly sparse. I’ve killed far more monsters than my buddies who are tens of levels below me…and yet my equipment upgrades don’t show a similar progression.” 

With high-grade weapons and armor requiring a lot of rare monster parts, one upgrade can take a huge amount of time and effort. This is especially true when you’re building multiple weapons for each element. 

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Because of this, it certainly seems that Hunters should save their Carving Knives for special occasions, like this “once in a lifetime” drop rate from Rathalos.