Monster Hunter Now community highlights “biggest” issue in the game

Hunter standing in the Monster Hunter Now mapNiantic/Capcom

Monster Hunter Now players have highlighted the “biggest” issue they want Niantic to address in the next update. 

The Monster Hunter Now December update is well underway, and players from around the world are currently busy delving into the latest content. While the new additions of Lance and Dual Blades have been met with positive reactions, the game’s community has highlighted one of the biggest issues facing the mobile title. 

While Niantic has provided updates on the Potion healing complaints and Item Box Expansion requests, players believe monster spawns are just as bad. 

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Monster Hunter Now players want better 8 star spawns

“I see a lot of people complain about 8 star monsters being hard. That’s fine. I see low drop rates, which is annoying but I understand it,” posted one player on the Monster Hunter Now Reddit page. 

“It’s very frustrating that there are barely 8 stars spawning after you unlock them. On average you need to kill 30 8 stars to get 1 material, which means you need to find 120 8 stars before you can upgrade once past G7.5.”

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The player notes how finding these higher-level monsters is almost impossible, and even when they do locate them, the limited inventory space limits the amount of materials they can keep. 

“Yeah, I jumped to 9 stars just to get them to spawn more and I got what I wanted. But it also upgraded all of my old 8’s and some of my 7’s to 9’s, and I’m not even remotely ready for them,” replied one Hunter

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Hunter fighting Rathalos with Great SwordNiantic/Capcom
8 star monsters can be rather elusive in Monster Hunter Now.

“They are everywhere, there’s way more of them than I expected. The one saving grace is my partner also plays and he’s hanging back in 8 so we can just use his map when mine is too chaotic. If it weren’t for that I’d be screwed right now.” 

Others were keen to highlight how the lack of 8 star monster spawns isn’t the only problem, with another player noting how it’s a combination of things. “It’s a combination of 8 stars requiring almost perfect play, on top of them being fairly uncommon spawns, or having the only 8 stars in range be absolute units like Diablos and Rathalos, on top of wyvern gems having an utter ass drop rate.” 

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It’s this combo that is taking the fun out of the game for many players. Quite whether Niantic will make changes to 8 star monster spawns remains to be seen, but for now, you’ll need to dig out those walking boots and be prepared for a trek.