xQc quits hardcore Minecraft speedrun after disastrous Ender Dragon battle

xQc, Twitch / Mojang

Félix ‘xQc’ Lengyel couldn’t believe how his epic Minecraft run come to an end on Twitch, after a disastrous encounter with an Ender Dragon. 

The popular variety streamer isn’t afraid to try out new games on the streaming platform and has proven that much during the course of February, where he’s been giving Mojang’s sandbox title a go – setting himself the challenge of speedrunning the game like other YouTubers have in the past.

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During this time on Minecraft, the former Overwatch professional player has enjoyed some entertaining moments, including one hilarious end to a session, but what happened during a broadcast on February 27 was no laughing matter for him.

Ender Dragon in MinecraftMojang
Being killed during a battle with a dangerous Ender Dragon in Minecraft isn’t uncommon, but the way xQc died was devastating.

After battling all the way towards a point that some players can only hope to achieve, a 1v1 showdown with the Ender Dragon, the streamer was forced to adopt some pretty risky tactics to maneuver his way around the hostile mob boss.

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He was launched into the air, following a number of successful strikes against the beast, and managed to land using his water bucket as a safety net. Once you are up against the Dragon, you can either use this method to prevent fall damage or have equipped boots with the Feather Falling enchantment, to mitigate damage after being knocked from a height.

However, while the technique might have looked on point the first time around, many viewers couldn’t believe their eyes when he tried to fall down from an Obsidian Tower safely,  his water bucket failed him and the: “Game over! xQcOW fell from a high place” notification appeared.

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Clearly, xQc and his fans were not expecting this to happen, especially considering he had used the water bucket so well just moments before, but he was stunned into silence by the error.

With a devastated look on his face, he said: “What happened? Why didn’t it do it. I don’t get it. Guys, the water, I spammed it. I’m done. Ok, last stream. GGs. That was it. I’m out chat.”

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Quickly after that “terrible” ending, he ended the stream and despite wanting to finish the whole thing in three hours, admitted defeat.

Whether or not fans will see him play more Minecraft and revive his challenge in the future remains to be seen, but it doesn’t look promising after this disaster.