What is Syndicate’s Minecraft Project? YouTuber starts Season 4

TheSyndicateProject (YouTube)/syndicate (Instagram)

Almost nine years on from the launch of The Minecraft Project on YouTube, Tom ‘Syndicate’ Cassell has revived the series for its fourth season.

Mojang pixelated render of a 3D world isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Nonetheless, Minecraft is one of the most popular and influential games of the past 10 years, per Forbes’ wrap-up of the decade

One of the protagonists responsible for Minecraft’s success on YouTube is Syndicate — predominantly thanks to his flagship series, ‘The Minecraft Project.’

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Syndicate's The Minecraft Project.TheSyndicateProject YouTube
From its humble beginnings back in 2011 to an expansive world in 2020, The Minecraft Project has come a long way.

The Minecraft Project: Season 4

On January 21, Syndicate “welcomed our faces back” with ‘The Minecraft Project #401’ — after an almost six year hiatus from his custom realm.

Still in all of its custom texture glory, Cassell revealed his reasoning for rebooting his trademark Minecraft series.

The YouTuber will be embarking on his journey to defeat “the underwater boss” (likely referring to the Elder Guardian), alongside obtaining the Elytra during the season.

The Minecraft Project… but different

Tom stated that there is no definitive deadline on the series, as it’s “in the hands of the Minecraft gods.”

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Moreover, he explained how there will be two significant twists on the season’s plot.

Firstly, fans keeping tabs on his progress will be able to devise a ‘penalty’ should he die at the hands of those pesky, blocky foes.

Considering that there is currently no real price to pay other than losing loot and having to respawn back at your designated location, this will likely keep fans engaged while simultaneously setting up some entertaining moments.

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The Minecraft Project 8 years laterTheSyndicateProject (YouTube)
Syndicate teased The Minecraft Project’s triumphant return with a nostalgic look into the world before Season 3.

Secondly, the YouTuber also explained that he would be cutting the “tedious tasks” (such as obtaining materials) from each video, in-line with trying to make Season 4 more compelling than previous iterations.

Syndicate’s reboot of The Minecraft Project comes a mere week after he teased fans with a trip down memory lane during a guided tour of his famous realm from the pre-mod era of Season 3.

The Season 4 debut was met with open arms, and episode 401 soon made it onto YouTube’s trending page — showing the clear demand for his popular series.

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