Marvel Snap devs finally have a plan for undesirable Pixel Variants: Prestige Level revealed

Marvel Snap pixel variantsSecond Dinner

There’s no denying Pixel Variants have long been divisive in Marvel Snap. Mercifully, developers at Second Dinner finally have a plan to sweeten the deal for even the most commonly-found rewards in the game.

Ever since Marvel Snap hulk-smashed its way to the top of the mobile gaming charts, one particular gripe has been all too common throughout the community: Pixel Variants aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Given almost every single card in the game has its own pixelized version, and the fact they’re more common than the more unique Variants, there’s a good chance you’re in store for a new Pixel Variant anytime you open a Collector’s Reserve chest. Naturally, dedicated players quickly grew agitated as their stockpile of unwanted pixel cards grew.

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Moving forward, it appears devs now finally have a plan to spice things up in this regard, ensuring even Pixel Variants aren’t undesirable as Marvel Snap heads toward its second year on the market.

A lengthy blog post on August 2 revealed the latest developer roadmap, outlining plans for an imminent PC release, a revamp to the Infinite Rank, and even teasing a new game mode further on the horizon.

Under the middle section, the ‘In Development’ category, devs teased a new Prestige Level system. It’s here where Pixel Variants in particular, are set to become more alluring.

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Admitting that Pixel Variants, Avatars, and Titles can all be somewhat lackluster finds on the Collector Level rewards track, they agreed even they’d prefer a more “awesome” reward instead. Enter Prestige Level.

With the Prestige Level system, “a new reward track” opens up as you acquire new cosmetic items in Marvel Snap. This includes anything from Avatars to upcoming Emotes as well. By acquiring more and more, your Prestige Level increases and in turn, unlocks additional rewards on the side.

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“Infinite splits” were listed as a potential reward, though plenty more is set to be available through this system as well, including “Albums that drip bonus Prestige and exclusive thematic cosmetics.”

Marvel Snap Pixel VariantsSecond Dinner
Pixel Variants being one of the more common rewards in Marvel Snap has left players agitated for quite some time.

Therefore, should you open a chest and be greeted with yet another Pixel Variant, it’s not all bad news once this system is in place. Even the least desirable rewards will still be contributing to your Prestige Level to help you climb towards more enticing cosmetic items in Marvel Snap.

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An exact release date nor rough release window for this system has been made clear just yet, but we’re to hear more in the months to come.