Best Marvel Snap decks to win your Infinite Conquest

Conquest ModeSecond Dinner

Dominate the highest tier in Marvel Snap’s newest competitive mode with these powerful decks designed to help win your next Infinite Conquest.

Marvel Snap’s Conquest mode is a gauntlet of strategic card battles where players must outmaneuver their opponents over a series of matches.

The Infinite Conquest rank, the highest level of this competitive mode, is a true test of strategy and card mastery. The right deck could mean the difference between sweet victory or a crushing defeat.

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Data from Untapped suggests that the following decks are the cream of the crop, having the highest win rates in the Gold tier of Conquest Mode, setting a strong precedent for their performance in the Infinite Conquest rank.

Conquest ModeSecond Dinner
Players must play through the Proving Grounds, Silver, and Gold ranks before reaching Infinite

Best Marvel Snap Infinite Conquest Decks

Here are four of the top-performing decks in Conquest Mode right now.

Legion Darkhawk

  • Korg
  • Luke Cage
  • Spider-Ham
  • Zabu
  • Jeff the Baby Land Shark
  • Killmonger
  • Darkhawk
  • Shang-Chi
  • Enchantress
  • Rockslide
  • Iron Lad
  • Legion

The Legion Darkhawk deck boasts the highest win rate in the Gold tier, highlighting Legion’s game-changing abilities. Legion’s power to replace each other location upon reveal gives players an upper hand, forcing opponents to adapt to a shifting battlefield.

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But ultimately, Legion represents an alternate win condition in this otherwise standard Darkhawk deck that relies on cards such as Korg and Rock Slide to add cards to your opponent’s deck.

Darkhawk Stature

  • Korg
  • Spider-Ham
  • Zabu
  • Jeff the Baby Land Shark
  • Killmonger
  • Darkhawk
  • Shang-Chi
  • Enchantress
  • Rockslide
  • Iron Lad
  • Stature
  • Black Bolt

Although the Stature-Black Bolt combo was nerfed in May, this deck has continued to dominate in Conquest mode. Black Bolt’s ability forces your opponent to discard the lowest-cost card in their hand, meaning you can then unleash Stature for the heavily discounted price of 1.

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Besides that, it’s the same as the first deck mentioned, with cards that synergize well with Darkhawk.

Thanos Control

  • Psylocke
  • Jeff the Baby Land Shark
  • Cosmo
  • Super-Skrull
  • Shang-Chi
  • Iron Lad
  • Blue Marvel
  • Devil Dinosaur
  • Professor X
  • Klaw
  • Spider-Man
  • Thanos

The Thanos Control deck is a calculated and strategic build designed for players who enjoy controlling the game’s flow. Thanos’ Infinity Stones keep your opponent on their toes as they are never sure if to expect a location mix-up or a moved card.

Professor X, Spider-Man, Klaw, and Jeff synergize nicely, allowing you to lock down locations and snatch a victory. The addition of Super-Skrull means that you also have access to the perfect counter of the masses of Ongoing decks that are rising in popularity.

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  • Swarm
  • Colleen Wing
  • Lockjaw
  • Gambit
  • Moon Knight
  • Dracula
  • Jubilee
  • Hela
  • America Chavez
  • Magneto
  • Giganto
  • The Infinaut

A deck suited for aggressive players who enjoy randomness, players can use Gambit to destroy an enemy card by discarding one of their own. The synergy here is that you’ll then be able to bring discarded cards back into action using Hela’s powerful On-Reveal ability. Mighty cards such as Magneto, Giganto, and The Infinaut are all perfect targets to be brought back into play on Turn 6.

The decks showcased above provide a variety of strategies and playstyles for conquering the Infinite Conquest rank. Try out these decks, tweak them, and make them your own on your journey toward becoming an Infinite Conquest champion.

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