Best Captain Marvel decks in Marvel Snap

Marvel Snap Captain MarvelMarvel Snap

Captain Marvel can help win you any game of Marvel Snap you play, because she’s designed that way.

Crafting the perfect Marvel Snap deck requires players to find cards that will stack together properly, particularly in the end of the game. But finding a group of higher-cost cards that all fit together can be quite the challenge, especially if you don’t have all the cards unlocked yet.

For those at a high enough level, though, there’s Captain Marvel, a 5-cost, 6-power card that will move on its own on turn six to a location that would win you the game.

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Let’s see which decks can best use Captain Marvel!

Best Marvel Snap decks for Captain Marvel

The first option is a standard Daredevil Control deck, which pairs Captain Marvel and Daredevil to put you in the best position to win the game late.

Marvel Snap Captain Marvel Deck 2Marvel Snap
This control deck gives you a leg up on where you play Captain Marvel.

Because Daredevil will let you see your opponent’s move on turn five before playing your own, and this is the earliest you’d be able to play Captain Marvel, you set yourself up in a position where you should have at least one location locked down before turn 6.

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Captain Marvel might still have to move on the last turn, but at least you will have an idea of what location they are targeting and what they are trying to do.

The second deck Captain Marvel thrives in is the Electro or Sandman decks. These decks work by forcing yourself and potentially your opponent to bottleneck the last few turns. Electro forces you to play only one card per turn, in exchange for one extra energy per turn. On the other hand, Sandman prevents both players from using more than one card each turn.

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Marvel Snap Captain Marvel Deck 3Marvel Snap
Electro and Sandman are great options to play alongside Captain Marvel.

As a result, you will only be able to play your most powerful cards towards the end of the game. More importantly, because Captain Marvel needs space in each location to potentially move to, these cards prevent your board from getting too crowded with lower-level cards.

Finally, a good option for Captain Marvel is the Hela Discard deck. This deck doesn’t actually revolve around Captain Marvel, but it’s more about having a lot of high-cost cards that you can play with Hela.

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Marvel Snap Captain Marvel Deck 1Marvel Snap
Hela can be a great deck for Captain Marvel.

The one drawback to this deck is that, if you discard too many cards with M.O.D.O.K., Hela may play so many cards that Captain Marvel won’t have room to move on the last turn. It’s a bit of randomness involved, but with so many high-end cards available it’s worth the risk.

If you are looking to make even more decks outside of those with Captain Marvel, check out our Best Marvel Snap Decks and the Best cards in Marvel Snap Pool 1.

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