Best Alioth Decks in Marvel Snap: Control and Destroy

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Marvel Snap is introducing Alioth, a card that immediately emerges as one of the most destructive in the game. Here’s our comprehensive guide to Alioth, including the best decks.

Alioth is one of the most-hyped Spotlight Cache cards in a while, with many players left wondering how to utilize the card’s control and destroy features in the best possible way. Whether paired with Galactus, Kang, or simply in a control deck, players have various ways to use Alioth in the game.

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Alioth is a Series 5 card that will cost 6,000 tokens or, alternatively, can be unlocked via Spotlight Caches starting on September 12.

Let’s break down Alioth’s ability in Marvel Snap, focusing on synergies and weaknesses before later sharing the Alioth decks with the most potential.

Alioth’s ability in Marvel Snap

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Alioth is a 6-cost, 5-power card in Marvel Snap with an On Reveal ability: A 6-cost, 5-power card with an On Reveal effect: Destroy ALL enemy cards played here this turn (including unrevealed cards).

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With its ability to destroy cards based on its positioning and the opponent’s play, Alioth introduces new destructive potential for players who can anticipate their opponent’s moves.

It synergizes well with many cards, such as Galactus, Wave, and Kang, making it adaptable to various deck builds. Especially in the final turns, Alioth can tilt the game in the player’s favor. Aloith can also help players establish a checkmate scenario, ensuring a win if certain conditions are met.

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However, Alioth presents challenges. Players must strategically choose the correct lane for optimal impact. Its power-to-cost ratio suggests it could struggle against other 6-cost cards if the On Reveal effect does not activate. Cards like Cosmo and Professor X can negate Alioth’s effect, so players must be wary of their opponent’s deck and potential counters.

Best Alioth decks in Marvel Snap

Crafting a deck around Alioth requires a keen understanding of its mechanics and predicting the opponent’s strategy. At the moment, it seems like Alioth is best suited to Control and Galactus decks. Here are top-tier Alioth decks you need to know:

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Alioth Ramp

  • Nebula
  • Jeff the Baby Land Shark
  • Electro
  • Wave
  • Jubilee
  • Devil Dinosaur
  • Sandman
  • Aero
  • Alioth
  • Arnim Zola
  • Doctor Doom
  • Odin

The resurgence of Sandman ramp decks is attributed to the controversially strong Loki card. Loki’s ability to replace your hand with discounted opponent cards allows players to dominate the board on Turn 6.

However, Sandman’s Ongoing ability restricts players to one card each turn, neutralizing Loki’s advantage. This deck thrives in the current meta, and Alioth’s inclusion fortifies its position against opponents who have been limited to a single play in the later turns.

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Substitutes: Sunspot, Black Panther, Galactus

Alioth Galactus

  • Nebula
  • Daredevil
  • Jeff the Baby Land Shark
  • Electro
  • Wave
  • Shang-Chi
  • Hobgoblin
  • Professor X
  • Alioth
  • Galactus
  • Orka
  • Death

This deck’s strategy is to corner the opponent using the synergy between Alioth and Galactus. Wave and Electro help set up the primary combo, while Nebula and Daredevil are two outstanding control choices at a low cost.

Hobgoblin, a standard inclusion in Galactus decks, provides an advantage without taking up space on your side of the board.

The objective is clear: control the game early, establish the Galactus-Alioth combo, and clinch the win.

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Substitutes: Sunspot, Green Goblin, America Chavez

Aloith Control

  • Nebula
  • Daredevil
  • Lizard
  • Jeff the Baby Land Shark
  • Cosmo
  • Wave
  • Shang-Chi
  • Rescue
  • Hobgoblin
  • Professor X
  • Destroyer
  • Alioth

The Alioth Control deck is a control-oriented build leveraging Alioth as a disruption tool. Daredevil helps give you insight into your opponent’s moves, allowing you to either lock down with Professor X or disrupt with Hobgoblin.

Early board control ensures a favorable position, and with Professor X securing a lane by Turn 6, having Alioth in hand puts you in a commanding position.

Substitutes: Sunspot, Storm, Green Goblin, Klaw, Doctor Doom

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See our other best deck guides for recent Marvel Snap cards here: Loki | Silver Samurai |  X-23 | Daken | Mirage | Legion | Echo | Jean Grey | Phoenix Force