MTG’s latest Secret Lair Commander deck is already packed with value

MTG Raining Cats and Dogs CommanderWOTC

2024 is off to a flying start for MTG, with a new valuable Secret Lair being a must for cat and dog lovers. 

Magic: The Gathering has just seen huge changes to Secret Lair production, and now a new Secret Lair announcement is here to test how well the new distribution model works. 

MTG Secret Lair Raining Cats & Dogs is a new Commander deck sure to delight fans with its focus on beloved animals. With an excellent Commander, a high-value reprint, and more announcements to come, this deck is sure to be snapped up once pre-orders become available. 

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New MTG Secret Lair Commander 

Even before any other cards are announced in the coming weeks, MTG Secret Lair Raining Cats & Dogs is proving itself to be excellent value. The face commander of the set is an alt-art reprint of Rin and Seri, inseparable, one of the most popular Commanders of all time, and the natural choice for a Cat and Dog creature deck. 

Anointed Procession makes the Raining Cats & Dogs deck instantly high-value 

MTG Raining Cats and Dogs anointed processionWOTC

The first non-Commander card revealed for the deck is a version of Anointed Procession with new art. Even MTG players with zero interest in Secret Lairs or animal companions will prick up their ears at the mention of this card. 

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Anointed Procession is an incredible card for token-based strategies, of which there are many in MTG and the Commander format especially. By doubling up on token production, Anointed Procession can allow players running this strategy to accelerate ahead and close out the game with ease. 

The card is so highly valued in fact, that it is currently averaging at $45 for a non-foil version. Though MTG Secret Lair Raining Cats & Dogs has yet to be priced, this reprint alone is like to almost pay for the deck by itself. 

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With previews of new cards to come every week until January 19, this Commander deck is sure to build up anticipation ahead of its full release. 

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