MTG Rebellion Rising Commander deck drops 37% at Amazon right now

MTG Rebellion Rising deck and accessoriesWOTC

Pick up this MTG Commander deck for spectacularly cheap and power up your token and equipment gameplay.

Phyrexia: All Will Be One was a bold, dark chapter in MTG’s ongoing story. Though the oppressive might of Phyrexia was everywhere in this set, there were still a few hopeful pockets of resistance against their indoctrinating regime.

Rebellion Rising foregrounds these heroes and brings some excellent new tools to red and white mana decks as a result. The Rebellion Rising deck Commander deck offers exciting new support for token and equipment strategies, and can easily be turned into a real powerhouse.

At 37% off the standard price, this is very close to the lowest price that Amazon has ever set this Commander deck at. If you’ve any interest in picking up Rebellion Rising, now is the perfect time to do so.

MTG Rebellion Rising CommandersWOTC

Rebellion Rising focuses on building an army out of initially weak but numerous creatures, before buffing them into nigh-unstoppable juggernauts with equipment and other boosts.

The best part of equipment in MTG is that it usually sticks around when the creature wielding it is removed. With Rebellion Rising’s abundance of creature token generation, you can pick up right where the previous fighter left off and barely lose any momentum at all.

If you’re a fan of punchy decks that can keep the pressure up and quickly recover from setbacks, Rebellion Rising may be just what you’re looking for. Give this MTG Commander deck a chance right now and you might just have a new favorite at game night.

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