MTG Heroes of the Realm explained

MTG Heroes of the Realm card back headerWOTC

Unique Magic cards from Heroes of the Realm have caught players’ attention over the years, and we’ll explain exactly what this MTG set is.

A new MTG card has recently been revealed to the community called Wizard from Beyond. With its exceptionally powerful Commander-focused ability, players may have questions as to whether the card is legal or playable in any format.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that this card may have debuted in an ‘Un’ set. These MTG sets, such as ‘Unglued’ and ‘Unfinity’ present fun-first magic cards that prioritize humor and outside-the-box creativity over strict format and rules adherence.

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This is not the case for Wizard from Beyond, however. Instead, this card hails from Heroes of the Realm, a set comprised of celebratory magic cards that are handed out internally to Wizards of the Coast staff to commemorate certain occasions.

What does Heroes of The Realm celebrate?

MTG Arena commemorative Saga card

Heroes of the Realm cards are significantly rarer than most other Magic cards, as they are only handed out internally in response to specific milestones or events.

For example, the MTG Arena team was granted the Saga The Legend of Arena, following the successful launch of MTG Arena. Community and outreach staff were given Svega, the Unconventional to honor their work at conventions and so on.

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How many Heroes of the Realm cards are there?

MTG Con commemorative planeswalker card

So far there have only been 30 different types of Heroes of the Realm cards awarded across MTG’s history. The first was awarded in 2016, and the most recent that the MTG fanbase is aware of was received in 2022 and posted in 2023.

Can you buy Heroes of the Realm?

Unfortunately for players that would no doubt love to get their hands on the unique and powerful cards that have been occasionally shown off from Heroes of the Realm, this set is not available to buy.

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Perhaps if enough interest is raised in the future, Wizards may consider printing additional versions of these cards for players to collect, but as of now, they remain a commemorative curio and nothing more.

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