MTG head encourages fan complaints over hectic release schedule

mark rosewater overlayed on top of mtg art from thunder junction

MTG’s Mark Rosewater has heard fan sentiment and has taken to social media to let them know that they are being listened to.

While many excellent Magic: The Gathering sets have launched over the past couple of years, it has been hard for players to keep pace with the game’s increased pace of product releases. Negative sentiment has been growing among fans, who feel as though Hasbro is pushing the game unsustainably, leading to draining enthusiasm for Magic.

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Now, lead designer Mark Rosewater has made clear that he and others on the MTG team are aware of players’ upset with the current pace of Magic releases.

Rosewater wants MTG fans to have their voices heard

On his blog, Rosewater responded to a question asking:

“What can I do, as a consumer, to communicate my desire for a slower release schedule”.

Rosewater responded:

“Complaining here is helpful.”

He went on to state that he is aware that many players are taking an issue with the schedule, and that he and others are communicating it to those making the calls about frequency of production.

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With so many questionable decisions coming from Hasbro recently, MTG players have been rightly concerned about the future of their favorite TCG. While the constant stream of Magic products has been good for many card-hungry players, the rate of releases has been overwhelming for many.

With hardly a pause between sets and spoiler seasons, it has been difficult to truly appreciate many of the past year’s excellent MTG releases without being immediately bombarded by the next.

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With these concerns becoming widespread across the player base, it’s reassuring to hear that the sentiment is not only heard but encouraged by Rosewater. Even if the decision-making higher-ups are unlikely to pay heed to the customer base without significant outcry, the MTG community is making their voices heard. It now has a productive avenue to take those complaints.