MTG Fallout Commander deck gets price slashed just after release

MTG Fallout Science deck headerWOTC/Bethesda

MTG’s Universes Beyond: Fallout has produced four high-quality Commander decks, and one of them is part of an Amazon deal going on right now.

Universes Beyond is serving up hit after hit for MTG, with the crossover line bringing heaps of new fans into the TCG. Maybe the bubble will burst at some point, but for now, Universes Beyond is riding high.

Hot off the release of Universes Beyond: Fallout, one of the set’s Commander decks is already seeing a drop in price. The Science! deck is currently 15% off at Amazon, the lowest the site has offered this great new MTG product for.

MTG Fallout Liberty Prime cardWOTC/Bethesda

Science! is a perfect deck for anyone enamored by Fallout’s variety of wacky, wonderful (and plenty of not-so-wonderful) inventions.

The Science! deck is led by its Commander, Dr. Madison Li. This Commander is bringing the Energy mechanic back to prominence after years of neglect, promising powerful payoffs built around this optional resource.

Another huge – quite literally – draw of the Science! deck is Liberty Prime, Recharged. This Mighty Mecha requires an input of Energy each turn to keep it active but is more than worth the cost as a formidable battlefield presence, packing Trample, and more.

Artifacts can be a hugely valuable part of many MTG strategies, and they help to push Science! to its position as one of the best pre-con Commander decks around.

The power level and consistency of pre-cons have been rising significantly recently, and this deck won’t let you down in terms of either power or value. If you’re a Fallout fan or happen to be looking for a great new Commander deck, this is an incredible place to start.

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