Cows infest MTG’s Thunder Junction set just like legendary video predicted

MTG Thunder Junction Holy Cow Ox AngelWotC

ProZD has turned out to be a TCG prophet, as Magic: The Gathering’s Outlaws of Thunder Junction set is full of cows and chaos.

SungWon Cho, also known as YouTuber ProZD, may be an increasingly prolific voice actor, but he’s almost equally well known for a love of board and card games.

Cho’s TCG fandom reached its apex online with a video titled ‘when you have a REALLY good turn in a card game’. The video has constantly circulated in YouTube and card game circles in the years since its upload, accruing over 22 million views. The video was sponsored by MTG Arena, making it clear that Magic: The Gathering was the main subject of Cho’s jokes.

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The key to the video’s popularity is its specificity, being an extremely well-observed parody that never feels mean-spirited. Now though, the accuracy of Cho’s jokes has caused the video to come full circle, as MTG’s latest set now resembles his game parody. Specifically, the Outlaws of Thunder Junction set has been overrun by cows!

MTG Thunder Junction’s Cows, Collected

We’ve collected together all the MTG Outlaws of Thunder Junction cards that create and buff bovine boards, including cows, oxen, and their associated tamers.

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Holy Cow

MTG Thunder Junction Holy CowWotC

This celestial Creature combines the Ox and Angel Creature types, as is capable of dropping in from above on opponents’ turns as well as its caster’s.

Steer Clear

MTG Thunder Junction Steer ClearWotC

An excellent piece of burn-based removal that rewards playing with Outlaws of Thunder Junction’s new Saddle mechanic by dealing more damage.

Rustler Rampage

MTG Thunder Junction RustlersWotC

Another new Thunder Junction mechanic, this Spree card can untap and hand out double strike, making for a powerful defense or offense depending on the situation.

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Bonny Paul, Clearcutter

MTG Thunder Junction Bonny PallWotC

An excellent, straightforward new Simic Commander that will spawn an increasingly powerful giant blue Ox for other players to deal with.

Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher

MTG Thunder Junction Bruse TarlWotC

A returning MTG legend from Zendikar, Bruse Tarl can summon up a whole herd of Oxen and turn them into a deadly, stampeding threat in combat.

Bovine Intervention

MTG Thunder Junction Bovine InterventionWotC

White mana has no shortage of great removal, but this new cheap out for Creatures and Artifacts is well worth considering, not least because of its excellent name.

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While it might be too early to be able to put together as impressive a cow combo as ProZD, Outlaws of Thunder Junction has handed MTG players support for a truly unexpected Creature type, and provided a payoff for some great jokes in the bargain.

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