Link hasn’t found Zelda in Tears of the Kingdom yet, but fans have

Tears of the Kingdom 60FPSNintendo

In Tears of the Kingdom’s last trailer, Zelda calls out to her knight: “Link, you must find me.” One fan took on the hero’s role and did just that.

The final pre-launch trailer for Tears of the Kingdom was recently revealed, and fans have been scrambling to piece together the story. From its unknown characters to the mysterious meaning behind the tears, the Breath of the Wild sequel is packing quite the plot.

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A particularly strange moment that has players pondering the story is when Zelda desperately calls out to Link, telling him that he must “find” her. And while there’s no indication as to where she might be, fans have made use of the not-so-obvious.

One fan was seemingly able to track Zelda down by using a short clip from the trailer, leaving others impressed. While he had no other dialogue to go off of, he instead chose to focus on the trailer’s imagery for clues instead.

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Where is Zelda in Tears of the Kingdom?

One fan took Zelda’s statement to heart and pieced together clues from the trailer to discover her exact location. After focusing on the distant scenery as Zelda speaks, he is able to determine her approximate area and pinpoint the landmarks seen behind her in the trailer.

If the fan’s sleuthing skills have led him to Zelda’s true location, this would put her near the southern ocean. Unfortunately, there is one question that he did not take into account when analyzing the trailer. In what way is Zelda actually lost?

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Is Zelda lost or simply stuck between timelines?

Other players responded in the comments with their own assumptions about Tears of the Kingdom. One fan wrote that the reason no sky islands are seen in the background as Zelda speaks is due to time travel. They point out that Zelda is indeed lost, but more so in time rather than space.

This theory could also explain the identity of the mysterious female figure from the trailer, as she shares many of the same features as Zelda. Perhaps she is Zelda, just not that Zelda. Travel through time would not be new to The Legend of Zelda games as it plays a critical role in many iconic titles.

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Tears of the Kingdom speedrunsNintendo

Could this be another Ocarina of Time situation? Or perhaps one more adjacent to Twilight Princess? Whether Zelda has truly been located by a fan or is somewhere between one of the series’ complicated timelines will not be known until Tears of the Kingdom’s release on May 12.