Zven departs Cloud9 after Worlds 2023 letdown with focus on ADC return

Zven leaves Cloud9Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

Cloud9 didn’t manage to make an impact at Worlds 2023 despite this roster being together for a while, making it no surprise that they’ve made roster changes. However, Zven’s leaving less than two weeks after their Worlds run ended, and he clearly wants to make his return as an ADC.

Jesper ‘Zven’ Svenningsen’s swap to support was a surprising one. He’s been outspoken about the role being an easy one in the past, and that he was only sticking to Cloud9 as a support because he had faith that Berserker could be better. However, Worlds 2023‘s disappointing result made it clear change is needed.

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What’s more, roleswaps aren’t exactly uncommon later in an ADC player’s career. As shown by someone like Rekkles earlier in 2023, all-time great ADCs can use their wealth of knowledge to make a transfer to the support role. Even if Rekkles hasn’t found a new home just yet.

However, Zven doesn’t plan to go that route. He’s left Cloud9 and is looking for new opportunities, but he doesn’t plan to return to the support role any time soon.

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Zven leaves Cloud9 to search for ADC opportunities

When Cloud9 picked up Berserker, it was clear he had a good chance of being the best ADC in the LCS. While you could make an argument for Prince (if we don’t think about 2023 Summer) and for Danny back in 2022, Berserker has been consistently on top of the food chain in NA.

As a result, it never made sense for Zven to remain in the ADC role if he wanted to stay on Cloud9. So, he instead swapped to support and stuck with the team.

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While that time has been a successful one for Cloud9, they also haven’t been able to find the international success they’ve been looking for despite an incredible domestic record. As a result, Zven’s looking to return to his main role and push himself further.

Zven’s tenure on Cloud9 as an ADC before Berserker joined was strong, so he clearly has the skills to make a return to his role. And, though Zven’s been competing since 2013, he doesn’t seem to be planning on retirement any time soon.

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It’s also important to note that he didn’t specify he’d be looking for opportunities in NA exclusively, and there’s a good chance he could try to return to the LEC for the first time since 2017.