Zeri needs simple quality-of-life change to save League players’ fingers

Immortal Journey ZeriRiot Games

Zeri is one of the weirder marksmen in League, but that individuality can come at the cost of your keyboard and your fingers.

For a role that has the narrowest brief of any in the game, there are quite a few ADCs that switch up the traditional formula. Even Smolder, who was meant to be a return to the regular marksmen archetype, ended up being more of a caster. Or a tank, depending on which builds you’re abusing.

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Zeri made waves on release, not always for the right reasons. Her big selling point is her Q, which acts as a basic attack, while her autos act more like an ability. This makes her pretty unique, but it also means you’ll be pressing Q a lot. Like, a lot.

This ability had some strange interactions with Tiamat items as well as sheen, meaning on release, Zeri was built as a ranged bruiser, except she also had one of the highest move speeds in the game.

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Zeri leans more into crit now, but the issue with pressing Q a couple hundred times a game still persist, leading some players to ask for a small quality of life change.

One player on the League subreddit claimed that “Zeri needs to be able to hold q to fire on cooldown”, saying: “Zeri needs to spam more than once per second at 1.5 AS and more during ult. And she also spams it whenever she’s not walking to her target. She spams for farming in lane, teamfight, towers and epic monsters, wards and charging passive.

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“I don’t even main her but she’s been so damn fun recently and it’s a little concerning how many times I have to spam q, probably as much or more than right clicks.

“Not saying we’re getting old, but age is creeping and I would like to extend my ability to play league as long as possibly before or without getting RSI.”

It’s not clear how a change like this would affect her gameplay, or if it’s even viable.

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