Yuumi’s League of Legends rework: release date, new abilities & more

Riot Games

Yuumi’s full rework is finally here after she was nerfed into the ground a few patches ago, and she’s set to arrive on patch 13.5. Here’s her full list of her new abilities, her release date, and more about one of League of Legends’ most controversial champions.

Yuumi is almost inarguably the most hated champion in League of Legends. There are plenty of people who main her, but the widespread ire for this champion got to the point where crowds would boo pro teams that picked her on stage.

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She was extremely meta in pro play for over a year, prompting the balance team to nerf this champion to the point of non-viability. Her winrate bottomed out at around 38%, and her pick rate has plummeted since the nerfs.

Fortunately, her rework is coming and will hopefully make this once-great champion a bit more viable. However, it’s yet unclear whether or not this rework will solve some of Yuumi’s biggest problems.

Yuumi rework full abilities revealed

Yuumi’s rework is pretty similar in form to her old kit, but very different functionally. She has a distinct focus on healing and defensive play rather than her abnormally high damage output she had before the nerfs. Additionally, her E has changed from a heal to a shield with her healing being distributed to other parts of her kit.

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Riot have also kept their vision for Yuumi being a beginner-friendly champion, lowering her price to 450 Blue Essence and making her easily available to new players.

Here’s full kit was revealed in a series of tweets from Riot Phroxzon, with a few changes implemented before her release on League of Legends patch 13.5.

Base stats:

  • Health growth per level: 84 >>> 69
  • Base mana: 400 >>> 440

Passive: Feline Friendship

  • When Yuumi’s spells or attacks affect champions, she heals herself and charges a heal for her allies. If she Attaches within the next 4 seconds, she brings the heal to her ally. While Attached, this effect automatically occurs.
  • While Attached, Yuumi builds friendship whenever her ally kills champions and minions. Each ally has their own unique Friendship score. While Attached to her Best Friend, her abilities gain bonus effects.
  • Cooldown: 20-10 seconds (levels 1-11)
  • Heal amount: 25-110 (+15% AP) levels 1-18
  • While her passive is ready, Yuumi’s auto attack range is increased by 50.

Q: Prowling Projectile

  • Yuumi fires a missile that slows the first enemy hit. If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile for a short period before it becomes Empowered, greatly accelerating and slowing enemies by an increased amount.
  • Best Friend bonus: The slow will always be empowered and hitting enemy Champions also grants 10/12/14/16/18/20 (+10% AP) on-hit damage to her ally for 5 seconds. This damage is increased by up to 75% based on her ally’s crit chance.
  • Cooldown: 7.5/7.25/7/6.75/6.5/6.25
  • Mana cost: 50
  • Base damage: 60/90/120/150/180/210 (+20% AP)
  • Base slow: 20% for 1 second
  • Empowered damage: 80/140/200/260/320/380 (+35% AP)
  • Empowered slow: 55/60/65/70/75/80% decaying over 2 seconds to 20%
  • Missile width: 65 >>> 60
  • Hitting an enemy with this ability now reveals them (will not reveal stealthed enemies)

W: You and Me!

  • Adaptive force to Yuumi and her ally: Removed
  • Best Friend Bonus: Yuumi gains an additional 10-20% heal and shield power (based on ally level) and her Anchored ally gains 3/5/7/9/11 (+4% AP) on-hit healing. This is affected by Yuumi’s Heal and Shield power.
  • No longer procs Summon Aery’s shield

E: Zoomies!

  • Now shields allies instead of healing
  • Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds
  • Mana cost: 80/90/100/110/120
  • Shield amount: 90/120/150/180/210 (+30% AP)
  • Movespeed bonus: 20% while shield persists
  • Attack speed: 35% (+8% per 100 AP)
  • Restores 20/24/28/32/36 mana to her Anchor (not herself), increased by up to 100% based on their missing mana

R: Final Chapter

  • For 3.5 seconds, Yuumi fires 5 magical waves that affect enemies and allies. If cast while Attached, Yuumi can steer the waves to follow her mouse.
  • For ally champions, the waves heal. The heal is increased by 130% on her Best Friend. All excess healing is converted to a shield, lasting 3 seconds after the ability ends.
  • For all enemies, the waves deal damage and apply a stacking slow
  • Cooldown: 120/110/100
  • Damage per wave: 75/100/125 (+20% AP)
  • Heal amount per wave: 35/50/65 (+15% AP)
  • Slow duration: 1.25 seconds
  • Slow amount: 10% +10% per wave hit (up to 50% slow)
  • Best Friend bonus: Waves also grant Yuumi’s Best Friend 20/40/60 (+10% AP) armor and magic resist for the duration of the spell.