Unretired former LCK star gets first Worlds 2023 penta kill

Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

Day 1 of Worlds 2023 brought the first penta kill of the tournament, courtesy of LOUD’s bot laner, Moon ‘Route’ Geom-su. The Korean player was inactive for almost two years before joining the Brazilian giants.

Only two matches into the tournament, Worlds 2023 has produced its first penta kill. Playing on Kai’Sa, Route took down all five GAM Esports players in succession as LOUD won the first game of their Play-In Group A series in dominant fashion.

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The penta kill capped off an impressive display from the Korean bot laner, who ended the game with 11 kills, five assists, and zero deaths. LOUD went on to beat GAM 2-0 in the series, setting up a match against PSG Talon in Group A’s winners’ match.

Route’s career has been anything but a straight line since he burst onto the Korean Challengers scene in 2016. He competed in the Turkish league in 2018 before finally earning a shot in the LCK, playing for Jin Air Green Wings and SANDBOX Gaming between 2019 and 2021.

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He vanished from the competitive scene after the 2021 Spring Split, resurfacing only at the end of 2022 as LOUD scoured the Korean market for a bot laner to replace Diego ‘Brance’ Amaral. On the Brazilian team, Route linked up with fellow Korean player Park ‘Croc’ Jong-hoon, who is expected to put his career on hold at the end of the year to complete his military service.

Worlds 2023 is Route’s second international event with LOUD after MSI 2023, where the Brazilian team was knocked out in 10th-11th place by PSG Talon, the team they will be facing next in the tournament.

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